Ideastep heel pads for sneakers is produced in full accordance with the international color standard deviation. It has been verified that the product has a small color difference and can obtain accurate light color. Enjoying the high comprehensive performance, it has a long service life


Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker
Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker


Bidh sinn mar as trice a ’gnàthachadh insoles agus duilleagan EVA. Tha teicneòlas adhartach agus uidheamachd toraidh adhartach againn, a ’cuimseachadh air an raon insole airson còrr is 20 bliadhna, agus tha Comataidh Teisteanas Comhairle Meidigeach Ameireagaidh againn" C.Ped. # 4290



Àirde a ’meudachadh insole

Brand Ainm


Place of Origin

XIAMEN, Fujian, Sìona

Modail No.





mar dealbh


Spong cuimhne meadhain aodach polyester trì dùmhlachd EVA


A rèir an riatanas


Phaidhrichean 1000


Àirde a-staigh a ’meudachadh pad shàilean


Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Tha feum aig aodach polyester air taiseachd a ghabhail a-steach.
Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Tha an dealbhadh log air a ’bhonn tarraingeach.
Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Trì àirdean airson roghainn, 2cm, 3cm, agus 4cm.
Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Cha toir fad 3/4 cus àite de bhrògan.


Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Lamination teann le foirmle glaodh sònraichte
Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Chan eil briseadh sìos cinnteach gu bheil e seasmhach

Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Tha càileachd a ’tighinn bho na mion-fhiosrachadh
Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Bogsa làidir airson sàbhailteachd ann an còmhdhail


Wholesale heel pads for sneakers for business for Shoemaker

Tha na toraidhean againn mar insoles ceartachaidh, uidheamachd orthopédic meidigeach, agus galair iomchaidh anns a’ ghnìomhachas slàinte mòr. Bidh sinn a’ roinn ar bathar ann an seachd roinnean: insoles orthopédic; insoles spòrs; insole airson cas diabetic; insoles orthopédic thermoplastic; Insole làitheil air a chleachdadh; insoles boireannaich; insoles chloinne agus barrachd.

Air a chleachdadh gu farsaing ann an grunn spòrs, cur-seachad, agus ceartachadh ankle.


 Tha feum aig aodach polyester air taiseachd a ghabhail a-steach.

 Àirde a-staigh a ’meudachadh pad shàilean.

 Trì àirdean airson roghainn, 2cm, 3cm, agus 4cm.

/ Ceistean Cumanta

Q1: An urrainn dhomh an t-aodach còmhdach as àirde atharrachadh?

A1: Tha, gu dearbh. Faodar an stuth còmhdaich as àirde atharrachadh mar na riatanasan agad.


Q2: An urrainn dhomh an suaicheantas agam a chuir air an insole?

A2: Faodaidh, is urrainn dhuinn an suaicheantas àbhaisteach a dhèanamh airson luchd-ceannach.


d ****** e

The material used in Ideastep heel pads for sneakers has the characteristics of high light transmittance and good flame retardant performance, which is not only effective but also safe to use. The product can stand up to frequent use

m ****** k

Ideastep heel pads for sneakers meets international quality standards. Its is manufactured according to strict standards of lighting safety regulations. Enjoying the high comprehensive performance, it has a long service life

m ****** d

Ideastep heel pads for sneakers is a product developed by our R&D team. They strive to produce light products with good thermal convection properties to increase product durability. The product can be reused, hence it is socially and environmentally friendly

tha ****** m

In order to improve the luminous efficiency, Ideastep heel pads for sneakers uses high-quality optical lenses. It has been verified that the optical lens is reliable and is not easily cracked or peeled off. It is easy to operate and easy to maintain

r****** j

Characterized by user-friendliness, Ideastep heel pads for sneakers has passed the national optical radiation quality safety inspection to provide users with a safe and healthy light environment. With a robust structure, it can withstand pressure

v ****** p

This product is in accordance with the quality standards of the industry. It has sufficient torsional strength and a good guiding effect on the lateral force

Tha feum aig aodach polyester air taise a ghabhail a-steach. Tha an dealbhadh log air a ’bhonn tarraingeach.
Trì àirdean airson roghainn, 2cm, 3cm, agus 4cm.
Cha toir fad 3/4 cus àite de bhrògan.

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